sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2022

Electronic psychedelic trance

 O trance psicadelico pode concentrar numa fração de segundo 2horas de som e essas são o tipo de experiencias exploratórias que tornam este género musical em particular universal e eterno.

terça-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2022

Transgenderism and "democracy"

 Transgenderism and democracy

Let's go back in time a bit.

-Maybe some 30 years ago, any normal solidary person would simpathise with a society , where either homossexuals or people with some kind of anatomical or behavioural sex ambiguity, could be fully integrated into society and face no discrimination in daily life.

-Nowadays the situation is a bit difrent. Lgbtqi movements have conquered several civil rights wich in my opinion go way beyond the simple freedom from descrimination. For me, the most delicate of all, the right to adopt children but not exclusivelly.  Nomenclature and language seems the next step.

 -These movements have long crossed the line between sexual wokeism concerning the discrimination of minoritys to become a cultural phenomenon, a movement wich through parades and events and social networking promotes it's own numeric growth as a real alternative to all the sexual paradigmas of societys.

-Western society is demografically depressed, in a reductive manner we could say that this phenomena is a consequence not really a cause.

- I could not yet transform what I am saying right now into poetry as I cannot either, make it a political statement , as for the present moment it will sound backward as "bad". This worrys many like me, but worrying isn't the same as fighting back for the most.

-The ideas change with time and time changes the ideologys like a cientist that trys difrent formulas.

 -No one or group of people looks good as a victims nor as an arrogants, especially if those traces of personality, are a faked adaptation to reality, played like a part. 

!Transgenders are great people homossexuals as well, everybody in fact can be great if they put the "main" good values to work. I believe that's all you need.

-Liberalism and conservativism are always mutually redefining eachother only for both to evolve into something else.

-Being worried about quick changes is not the same as fighting back ,its just an aging process in wich you realise how slow is better than fast for most things wich endure. This goes for most of the political discussions of any time. 

-A democracy that works in the best approach for this, slow change , and the problem is that we don't have that many good examples of fully working democracys at the moment. The ones we have wich work better, seem to relly mostly on casual money abundance rather than being cases of true democratic success. 

- The withhold of justice in any drmocracy by the oligarkies of a certain country being the governament members,  just another  interest group,  turns justice into a fleeting Ilusion for the comon citizen. The causes of the rich consume the majority of the ressources, devaluing justice among the poorer and turning it into justice "bellow relevance".

-If whatever the cause is, your defence will cost more than your loss, one just needs to accept it as bad luck. This undermines democracy and  causes fear. This could well be the most important cause for authoritarism nostalgia. The fehling that the state is so worried about economy and image, that it can't really protect you from injustices, no matter how blatant they are. 

-For such citizens who face sistematic injustice some "causes" like "sexual freedom" will appear more of a distraction for the numbed masses of the previledged, than a important agenda,  and this further breaks society as a whole.

-Therefore without equal access to justice curruption is already settled in, whatever comes out of that is just a slow transition to diverse models of authoritarism and really no democracy at all, but rather difrent levels of free speech with de facto inoquous effects on peoples life.

Ware all one

 We are all one

This is true

As clear a blue

A Person takes pain 

from mystakes

Endures generations

Of heavy rain 

and snow flakes

A child will know

To much sadness

All in a row

And still grow and grow grow

An adult will form

Other persons to thorn

Suffering ain't vain

Wait it out Stop

The cicle of pain 

Is all but a flop

We are all one

In the subjectiveness

Swiming prone

To feel lonelyness

Like a clone

Used as a spare

Part of a drone

Flying in dispair

To fullfill a task

Odered by some

Who would never dare

Yin and yang shows

We are here to take vows

To level good and bad

As we are all one for sure.