quarta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2015

hsbc siwss chocolate

Switzerland is the land of the civilized.  A place. full of banks chocolates knifes and guess whatba bunch  of portuguese people, wonder how they havent turned it into a sleazy delicious portuguese tasca.
For many europeans switzerland is an example to follow, high wages for every body, almost milonary in average context, serious governamental institutions , nice tidy blonde  people  , no trash in the citys, well... a real eden civilization. five percent eats dogs as part of tradition wich is disgusting but since swiss are semi gods unlike the 0.01 % or less, chinese that eat dogs, we cannot acuse them of eating mans best friend. They eat man and weman each day just as well, everytime a ruthless dictator send a bilion or 2 to a safe box who knows where in those mountains.
the values are so astronomical im starting to think those mountains are nothing but dollars inside with a bit of chocolate on top a maybe a swiss knife to cut the whole thing open like a good old dog choping dinner in a nice little mountain caban.
- Yes the swiss eat dogs why would i make up that story....there has to be a bit of truth in everything i say in this blog.
back to the cold dollar frozing moutains of switzerland, it seems like the darker the world has accepted a land without rules where sin doesnt exist and they sure made it clean a civilized but for me swtzerland is one of the most rotten scars of this planet.  A place where a scrotun can enter a bank ejaculate money on the tellers face and say good morning.

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